
Showing posts from August, 2021


 Aug 9,2021 Date of Admission-31-7-21 A 60 year old female presented to OPD with chief complaints of diffuse abdominal pain since 7-10days HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS Patient was diagnosed in the nearest hospital 1 year back due to pain in the loin The Patient didn't undergo for the further treatment at that time. Patient was suffering from abdominal pain since a month ago and went to the nearest hospital. Test were performed and the reports shown that she is hypoglycemic, hyponatremia and CRP was extremely high about 92.7mh/l and serum creatinine level was 8.9mg/dl. She was refered then to KIMS for further treatment. She is undergoing dialysis(4) since the She complains of hard stool and prescribed with liq paraffin and milk of magnesia syrup 10ml 3 times a da She was hypovolemic and undergone blood infusion of 1 unit ( Blood group- B+) HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS  No history of surgery, asthma, TB, CAD, epilepsy. PERSONAL HISTORY Decrease appetite  Bowel movement is irregular since on